Yoga Equipment for Beginners: 10 Best Yoga Props to Help Your Practice

March 17, 2022

This is a yoga equipment guide for beginners - we'll discover the best yoga props and how they can help your practice become more enjoyable.

Yoga is an incredible practice because you can always go further. You can always be more flexible, stronger, and more balanced. Yoga accessories can help you add these elements, but ultimately removing them is important for your growth in practice.

Benefits of Yoga props for Beginners:

Yoga props suitable for beginners (and advanced yogis) can be used for:

■    Help you understand your body's unique range of motion and guide you to achieve the ideal body posture

■    Improve awareness of alignment and muscular involvement

■    Increased flexibility

■    Enables you to modify your exercises based on injury, pain, or discomfort

■    Support as you explore new and more challenging poses

■    Increase or decrease the intensity of the pose

■    Support your body to minimize muscle strength and allow you to maintain recovery or Yin posture for a longer time.

10 Best Types of Yoga Props:

Consider trying the following yoga accessories in your yoga practice.

1. Yoga Mat

The yoga mat is the most important of all yoga props, providing a gripping surface to prevent slipping during practice and adding cushioning to the body parts that touch the floor. Some mats even have guides to help with posture alignment. Mats come in a variety of thicknesses -- thinner mats help improve stability inactive and balanced yoga poses, while thicker mats with extra padding are best for therapeutic poses. A yogi, beginner, intermediate, or advanced level, is virtually incomplete without a strong and supportive yoga mat.

Learn about different types of yoga mats here.

2. Yoga Block

These brick-shaped accessories can be made from foam, cork, wood, or bamboo. We provide EVA yoga brick, TPE yoga brick, cork yoga brick, bamboo yoga brick. Yoga blocks can help you gain greater stability, deepen stretches, and maintain proper alignment. They also provide support for postures that require flexibility to reach the floor, and they reduce stress on the ankles, knees, and spine in sitting.

If you're just starting out, chances are you won't stretch all the way in any direction. The block allows you to stretch to your limits.

Where to find:

3. Yoga Strap

Yoga straps, also known as yoga belts, are useful for practitioners with tight hamstrings and shoulders. Yoga straps can help you safely perform poses that are beyond the range of flexibility and help with proper alignment. For beginners (or on days when you feel tighter than usual), use yoga belts to help fold forward. Straps also help support your arms while practicing forearm standing or dolphin pose. Then, yoga straps are great for simple side stretches -- just hold them over your head and gently move them from left to right. Yoga belts are perfect when your hamstrings are tight.

Learn about different types of yoga straps here.

4. Yoga Wheel

The yoga wheel is one of the most fashionable members of the yoga prop list. The wheels help open up the front of the body and push out the spine. That means hip flexors, abdomen, chest, and shoulders. As it stretches your front side, it massages your entire spine in a safe and deep way. Yoga wheels can be your new best friend for someone you want to know more about their backbend and forearm balance.

Learn about different types of yoga wheels here.

5. Yoga Ball

First of all, it's just an exercise ball. Second, yoga balls are used to strengthen and stretch your body and improve core stability and balance. As you probably already know, yoga is partly about balance, and the ball helps balance.

Simply using one as a chair can force you to balance yourself, basically helping posture and strengthening your core. In fact, do any exercise and see if there's a way to integrate the ball. It will take your workouts to the next level.

Learn about different types of yoga balls here.

6. Resistance Band

Resistance training has become an integral part of fitness training, so resistance bands are essential in every gym. Resistance bands have become mainstream over the years, and now they can be used for race training.

Resistance bands are commonly made of two materials -- latex and TPE. Elastic bands are effective for building muscles and improving flexibility and flexibility. Color and size determine the resistance of the band.

Learn about different types of resistance bands here.

7. Foam Roller

Foam rolling is a treatment that can help speed recovery from muscle soreness and tightness. Foam rollers are a popular self-myofascial release tool, which is a deep tissue massage that can help break myofascial adhesions or trigger points. This technique is essential:

A cost-effective way to give yourself a deep tissue massage before or after a workout

If done before a workout, foam rollers will help improve range of motion, elasticity, and flexibility. If used after a workout, the main goal is to reduce cramps and delayed muscle soreness, which will help you get back to your workout faster.

Learn about different types of foam rollers here.

8. Yoga Blanket

Yoga blankets are used for alignment and support, especially during recovery postures. Yoga blankets are usually made of cotton and can be rolled up, folded flat or pleated to suit your needs.

The yoga blanket comes in handy in asana performances, providing gentle support and a more comfortable surface for handstands and floor exercises. Place it under your shoulders while performing a handstand and measure the amount of pressure your body is putting on the surface by examining the impressions carefully, or use it to cover your body when it starts to feel cold under the effect during the Yoga Nidra meditation practice. Or simply place it under your back or neck to gently support the curve of your spine while lying in a cadaver position.

9. Meditation Cushion

Meditation practice has become more popular in recent years, and there are many ways to do it. Meditators can focus on their breathing, repeat a mantra, or focus on a given object -- all in order to reach a clear, conscious mental state. Since meditation programs have been associated with many benefits, including reduced anxiety, reduced depressive symptoms, and reduced chronic pain 1, it's not surprising that so many people want to try them.

Most meditation programs require people to sit -- usually with their legs crossed on the floor. Holding this position for a long time can be uncomfortable, which is why the meditation cushion can add a whole new level of comfort to your meditation practice.

This is the best meditation cushion on the market.

10. Yoga Pants

Yoga pants stretch and fit our bodies well, making them extremely comfortable to wear during the day and at night. They are perfect for the shape of the body, especially the hips. This makes girls of all sizes feel better about their bodies and boosts their confidence.

Practicing downward dog or trying out new balance poses at a yoga studio is challenging enough on its own, but it's even harder when you're juggling yoga clothes that are saggy, too tight or uncomfortable. That's why it's important to buy yoga clothes that are breathable, flexible and comfortable.

Shop Yoga Clothes




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