April 01, 2021
Resistance bands are also known as resistance tubes. According to WiKi, the tubes were originally from surgical tubing, then upgraded to real bands with different materials for wider uses.
Each color represents a different resistance of a resistance band. For many fitness products, colors aim to match your outfits out of regard for aesthetic needs or for fashion. However, when it comes to choosing a resistance band, the tensile strength of a resistance band comes in different colors. There are common colors such as yellow, red, black, blue, green. Also, some rare colors include silver, gold, and golden brown. Resistance band workouts enthusiasts may say that the resistance depends on the brand as well. Yes, they are all truths. After all, when picking a band, we can’t choose them just based on our color preference.
Resistance of colors varies among brands. Wavar resistance bands can range from 10 pounds to 35 pounds.
Yellow resistance bands are beginner-friendly. The tensile strength of a yellow tube is lower than that of any other bands. Low resistance can be used by beginners who want to gain a breakthrough in fitness workouts. In general, they can be used for rudimentary stretching exercises. This is very helpful in back workouts and push-ups.
The tension of green resistance bands is at a medium level, providing 25-35 pounds. A green tube will help you enter into another level, and hit your fitness workouts routine record. It can be a complementary tool used in warm-ups to prevent injures. A green tube can help build muscle strength such as arms, legs, chest in a more effective way.
Blue resistance bands provide a heavy resistance because of an extra added latex or another weaving technic. It offers a moderate tensile strength. For beginners, they will find it is really hard to pull out. So, it can be used for advanced fitness enthusiasts for arms, chest, legs, and back workouts. A blue resistance band workout can be added to your daily workouts as a significant agenda.
A black resistance band has a higher tension. You may need one after you perform some workouts for a long time. This is also a helpful tool for yoga and Pilates exercisers who want to promote body flexibility. In general, two handles are always provided when buying a black band, which can be either easily grip the tube or hooked on a fitness rack.
As the heaviest resistance band, only strength athletes can pull a crimson resistance band. So, remember to use it in a skilled way or under the guidance of a specialized teacher, do not try to pull in a brute way. If you don’t have strong muscle, it is not appropriate for you to buy a crimson resistance band.
In general, a resistance band is a perfect tool for all levels of people. The flexibility in use and lightweight make the tube portable and convenient.
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